Tuesday, April 29, 2008


So I am way into blogging now since I started my teen reading blog (avidteenreader.blogspot.com if you are interested in checking it out) and I got to thinking, maybe Criss and I can start a blog together so we can post stuff about what's going on in our lives. Criss' response to this was, "What, so we can write about how we lay around the house and surf the internet and read?" or something close to that effect but I swear, we do stuff! Plus we have two adorable cats with whom I'm obsessed who will surely be the subject of some wonderful posts until we have children (not for years though!) on which we can endlessly post. I will more than likely be one of those mothers that chronicles every spit up if my obsession with my cats is any indication. Getting back to Criss' response. So I thought he was going to be a big stinker about this blog thing and that he would never use it but then today I get an email at 10 am (during work time) from him about how I messed up the blog link and he fixed it. In fixing it he created a whole new blog on which he now has admin rights. He goes from no interest to admin in less than 24 hours. I am not complaining because it means that he's on board with the idea (YEAH!) but I found it funny :). That's my Criss B.

Anyway, so he and I are going to keep this blog together in hopes of talking about what's going on with our small family (do two humans and two cats constitute a family -- I say yes!). And hopefully if we see a lack in fun posts it will kick our butts into doing the traveling we swear we're going to do in the next couple of years. We'll see. Enjoy (I hope)!

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