Wednesday, May 7, 2008

How Criss B. Pulled Off the Surprise.

Now for my two cents on the surprise party.

Criss is HORRIBLE with surprises. He has too many "tells," you know, like in poker. He was able to surprise me one other time but it was a very short time span and over the phone. That time he was in Florida on a golf trip but wasn't having the greatest time. I told him, "Come back early and see me!" but he said no, he was going to go to an amusement park and would keep his original flight. Little did I know he had already arranged an earlier flight and was waiting for me in the parking lot when I got off work. So cute!

This time, looking back, there were signs but I mostly chalked them up to Criss being his weird self. First, when a coworker asked me to work for her on Saturday his first reaction was an immediate "No!" I thought he just wanted to spend time with me but now I realize he was worried the timing would be off if I worked. Second, when we discussed what we were going to do on Saturday afternoon he said that he thought we would shop until about 6:30. At the time I thought, why does it matter how long we shop? Next, when we were getting ready to go out he wouldn't let me change from my work clothes. He said he liked what I was wearing and wouldn't even let me put on jeans. Turns out our friend Becky told him to make sure I looked nice so I wouldn't be embarrassed when a whole bunch of people were at my house. It was a really weird exchange between Criss and I though because usually he doesn't have much (or at least doesn't express much) of an opinion regarding what I wear (unless he's seen me in my sweatshirt one too many times). Finally, he wouldn't stop for food on the drive home and he drove the speed limit or under the whole way. If I hadn't been so sleepy and pretty much just napping during the drive, I would have said something. I wonder what his response would have been?

When we got home, my first clue that something was up was the fact that the cats weren't crying. It was well past their dinner time and usually they would be screaming through the window, but no cats. Then when I came in the door their was food on my table. I hesitated before going in but I still thought it was just going to be his parents. I was wrong! My whole kitchen was filled with friends.

This is probably one of the best things Criss has ever done for me and reminds me why I married him. I know how hard it was for him to get everything organized and keep it a secret and it means even more to me because of that. Thank you to everyone who made it. I had a great time!

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